Sometimes I feel like I am not enough. I feel like I am not trying hard
enough or doing big enough things with my life. I feel bad for not being as
successful as others. You may have days like that too. You might have days
when you mess up and you feel like you’re not good enough. You might have
days when you fail to get into the college you wanted to attend, or you
don’t land the job you were excited about, or when you feel like the dreams
you have for yourself don’t compare with the dreams your friends have.
But our value in God’s eyes has nothing to do with what we have
accomplished, or what we are hoping to accomplish. Our value in God’s eyes
has nothing to do with the way we act or how perfect we are. Our value in
God’s eyes is based solely on the fact that we are human and He created us
in His image (Genesis 1:27). He loves us no matter what we do and no matter
what we accomplish. As Christians, we know God’s love is unshakable because
He became human and died and rose again for us, beating sin and death so
that we could be with Him forever (Romans 8:38-39).
God chose to love us before we even turned to Him, and that is a great sign
of how He feels about us. We are enough because He loves us. We do not have
to accomplish anything to be seen and cared for by Him. • Emily Acker
• Jesus came to die for you while you were still a sinner and an enemy of
God. In fact, God loved you so much that He chose to save you before He
created the world—before you had ever done anything good or bad (Ephesians
1:4-5; 1 John 4:19). How might it be freeing to know that God’s love is not
affected by what you do or don’t do, and that forgiveness for all your sins
is accomplished through Jesus’s death on the cross, the ultimate expression
of love?
• We all need Jesus’s love and forgiveness. To find out more about what
this means, check out our “Know Jesus” page.
But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Maybe you’ve heard, “You’re so talented in sports, or music, or school, or fill-in- the-blank.†We all have our own unique gifts: some may...
READ: 2 CORINTHIANS 2:12-17 A child and a spoil of war. Forced to live with the enemy, far from home. Then, as a young...
READ: JOHN 1:18; ROMANS 12:19; REVELATION 21:3-4 Do you have a favorite place to think or pray? I do. Most mornings I grab my ...