I Confess

October 13, 2022
I Confess
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
I Confess

Oct 13 2022 |


Show Notes

I confess the things I did.
And the things I didn’t do but should have done.
I confess letting anger explode
And bitterness smolder inside.
I confess that I strayed off the path of following you.
I missed the mark of the goodness you planned for me.

I lay down my pride and envy, selfishness and jealousy.
My independent nature thinks I can live without you,
But you’re the only source of life.

Both my actions and attitudes are infected with sin.
My heart needs transformation.

I confess, I know I’ve done wrong.
I turn away from my sin and turn back to you,
And you are already running to me in love.
You forgive me.
You give me new life, a fresh start.
And you lead me in becoming more like you. • Abby Ciona

• Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that God has already
forgiven all our sins—past, present, and future—through His death and
resurrection (Romans 8:1). And the Holy Spirit lives in us, transforming us
to become more and more like Jesus and helping us turn away from sin. Why
do you think God calls Christians to confess our sins frequently?

• Oftentimes, we sin because we don’t feel safe or loved, and so we try to
rely on ourselves or other created things instead of coming to God and
entrusting all our needs and desires to Him. But God knows our hearts even
better than we do, and He has so much compassion for us. How can examining
the needs and desires behind our sin help us turn to God?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us…1 John
1:9a (NIV)


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