Loved Before Birth

January 22, 2023
Loved Before Birth
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Loved Before Birth

Jan 22 2023 |


Show Notes

When did you become God’s? When did God first notice you and pay
attention to you? The psalms talk about that happening before we were even
born. Before we made our appearance in the world, we were already seen by
God. We were already claimed by God. We already had God looking out for us.


When we were babies, relying on adults for everything, God saw us. When we
were young and we didn’t fully understand what it meant to know God, He
knew us.


God has such a great love for us, and He paid attention to us before we
were even born. When you think about the life of a baby while they’re still
in their mother’s womb, there’s not a lot of exciting stuff going on. But
God still paid attention to us when we were small like that.


When we start to wonder if anyone cares about us, the Bible can help us see
just how much God cares for us. In Psalm 139, David writes, “For you
created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb… My
frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place… Your
eyes saw my unformed body” (verses 13-16).


When we start to wonder if anyone really loves us, we can look to the Bible
to see how God has always been loving us—even before we were born! • Emily


• Have you ever thought about how God loved you and paid attention to you
before you were born? How might it give you comfort to know that He was
watching over you—and your mother—even then?


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s
womb…Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were
written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13, 16 (NIV)


Read Verses:


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