Four Lepers

January 21, 2023
Four Lepers
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Four Lepers

Jan 21 2023 |


Show Notes

The Aramean army surrounded Samaria. No one could get out or go in. People
were starving since no one could get past the Aramean army. Those outside
the gates—lepers who were unclean since leprosy was a fatal skin
disease—were also starving.


Four lepers sat outside the gate. Trying to figure out a way to survive,
they weighed their options. No reason to go back inside. No food in there.
But if they sat where they were, they would die. No food outside the gates
either. So, they considered going to the Aramean army to surrender. The
army had food, but they might kill them. No good choices, but if the army
accepted their surrender, they might live.


When the four lepers entered the Aramean camp, no one was there. God had
sent noises of chariots and horses to terrify the Aramean soldiers. When
the soldiers heard what sounded like a great army, they had swiftly run


The lepers discovered food, tents, horses, donkeys, and great amounts of
gold coins. After eating, they gathered gold in their hands. But then they
felt guilty. They had found great treasure from the enemy, yet they hadn’t
gone back and shared their discovery with the others. Quickly, they made
their way back to the city to tell of the great provision.


Upon hearing the lepers’ news, the king believed it was a trap, so he sent
some of his soldiers to investigate. They found the Aramean soldiers had
gone, so they joyfully came down and raided the camp.

In our hardest times, God is there, just like He was there for the people
of Samaria in today’s reading. He knows firsthand what we are suffering
(Hebrews 4:14-16). And He made a plan to rescue us: Jesus died and rose
again so that death and suffering would one day be no more (Revelation
21:1-5). Like the lepers who were rescued, let us share the good news of
what Jesus has done for us! • Anna Gregory


• Can you think of a time God showed His love for you in the midst of
difficult circumstances? Consider taking a moment to thank Him for this,
and maybe even tell others about it!


• When you are going through a challenging time, who are trusted
people—such as pastors, parents, counselors, or teachers—who you can reach
out to for help?


My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the
strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26 (NLT)


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