The Compassion of Jesus

October 24, 2021
The Compassion of Jesus
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Compassion of Jesus

Oct 24 2021 |


Show Notes

As humans living in a broken world, there are times when someone we love stops being part of our lives. You might be in a dating relationship, only to break up and have your significant other cut themself out of your life. Maybe you have a parent who has abandoned you. Other people in your life may or may not be around as you grow older. Some of them are going to leave as they enter the next season of their lives, and some might be forced to move away. And some of the people you love are going to pass away before you do. All these losses are painful. Where is the hope in the midst of broken relationships?

We have no guarantee that a human who is in our life today is going to be there for us tomorrow, but we can know that God will always be there for us. The Bible makes it clear that God’s love for us never changes. He is always there for us, just like He was yesterday, just like He will be tomorrow. God is never going to stop loving you, and He is never going to die, because Jesus already died—and then He rose from the dead!

And Jesus knows what it feels like to be abandoned. When He was arrested, “everyone deserted him and fled†(Mark 14:50). Even His closest friend, Peter, denied he even knew Jesus. But Jesus never stopped loving Peter or any of His disciples, and He will never stop loving you.

You are so important to God that it was worth it to Him to send Jesus. God didn’t want you to be separated from Him, so Jesus gave up His own life so that you could be brought near to God (Ephesians 2:13). Jesus, who was Himself abandoned, saves abandoned people. Even as you experience abandonment and hurt, you can know that God will always love you. • Emily Acker

• Have you ever had someone drift away from you—or cut you out of their life completely?

• How might it give us comfort to know that Jesus was abandoned and He will never leave us?

“And surely I [Jesus] am with you always, to the very end of the age.†Matthew 28:20b (NIV)


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