READ: 1 PETER 1:3-9, 18-21
I can be strong and encouraged because my hope is in Jesus (Psalm 31:24). He is my help and shield—I will wait on Him; I will rejoice in Him; I will trust in Him (Psalm 33:20-21).
Keep showing me Your faithful love, Jesus, because my hope is in You (Psalm 33:22). You are faithful, and You won’t leave me or abandon me (Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 57:10).
Sometimes it is hard to imagine how a painful situation can ever change for my good and Your glory. Help me to remember my hope in You, no matter how I feel. I know the truth, and this truth is that You are worthy of my hope. You are worthy of my praise (Psalm 18:3). Even when I am feeling discouraged about the circumstances around me, remind my heart of what You have done for me on the cross. You are my Savior and my God: my hope, forever (Psalm 42:11)!
Looking back on my life, I remember how I put my hope in You, and I recall Your faithfulness. There were times when I couldn’t understand the purpose of my pain and sorrow, but You worked out even those times for Your glory and my good (Romans 8:28).
Some days, I feel hope welling up within me, and other days, I feel so discouraged. During those times, cause me to remember Your goodness and faithfulness. I do have a living hope—a living Savior—no matter what my circumstances are (Job 19:25-26; 1 Peter 1:3). May I praise You through it all! You are a rock of refuge: I can always run to You (Psalm 71:3). • Savannah Coleman
• How does remembering what God has done for you in past seemingly hopeless situations help you hold on to hope even in the darkest of circumstances?
• What are some of the hope-filled promises that Jesus has given to His people (Romans 8; Ephesians 1:3-14; Revelation 21:1-5)?
• How can you remember these promises in difficult situations?
But I will hope continually and will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14 (CSB)
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