God’s Love Is Steadfast

October 23, 2021
God’s Love Is Steadfast
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God’s Love Is Steadfast

Oct 23 2021 |


Show Notes

I close my eyes and I pray
Lord, fill my thoughts today
When I open my eyes again
Don’t let me turn away
Don’t let me ignore you
As I move forward with my day
I want to be consumed
Each moment as I move
I want to be attuned
I want each breath to be in you • Emily Acker

• In Psalm 63, King David talks about earnestly seeking and longing for God, and David expresses confidence in God’s faithfulness. Today’s author also longs to remain in close connection with God, and they rely on God’s help to do so. As Christians, how does Jesus give us the secure hope that we’ll always be connected with God the Father? (John 10:14-18, 25-30)

• As our relationship with God grows deeper, we long for Him more and more. Have you ever felt a longing to be close to God? What did you do?

• Like this poet, we may realize that our best intentions at the beginning of the day often fall flat. We can do nothing apart from God. But through faith in Jesus, we can cling to Him, and He provides guidance and power through His Spirit, who lives inside Christians. Looking at Psalm 63, in what ways does David actively orient himself toward God? How does God make it possible for David to praise Him (verses 3, 7, 8)?

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV)


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