Saul, Also Known as Paul

May 03, 2023
Saul, Also Known as Paul
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Saul, Also Known as Paul

May 03 2023 |


Show Notes

Do you know the story of Paul? He was not a good guy when he was young, and he went by the name Saul. He had Christians arrested. In Acts 7:548:2, we see how Saul stood by in support while Stephen was being stoned to death. Saul had plans to do all kinds of bad things to the Christian people of his day. But God had other plans for him..When Saul was on the road to Damascus, a bright light shone all around and blinded him. Jesus talked directly to him and changed the course of his life..When you start to think that it’s too late for you to change after you’ve done something wrong, or that God could never forgive you, remember Saul/Paul. When you see someone else doing bad things and you start to judge them and think that God could never forgive them, remember Saul/Paul. While we certainly don’t have to approve of the wrong things people are doing, God calls us to see everyone as someone He loves, someone Jesus was willing to die for..It’s not too late for any of us, no matter what we’ve done. God can take some/pretty messed-up people and do amazing things through them. He can work/through anyone to help further His kingdom..Saul was not a good guy, but Jesus loved him. And His love transformed Saul into a new person. Paul became a good guy. He started serving God and even went to prison because of his faith. He wrote quite a bit of the New Testament and proclaimed the gospel to countless people, telling them about how Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave so that/everyone/who puts their trust in Him can be saved. Paul was honest about his past sins and his present shortcomings, and/he saw God do many great things in his life. More than anything, Paul was filled/with gratitude to Jesus for forgiving him and giving him a second chance. Bethany Acker. Acts 13:9 tells us that Saul was also known as Paul. Some scholars think this is because/Paul/is the Greek version of the Hebrew name/Saul, and Paul ministered primarily to Greek people. Why do you think God chose Paul to share the good news of Jesus with so many people, both in person and through his writings? (Hint: read 1 Timothy 1:12-17) . When we feel like God can’t work through us, how could the story of Saul/Paul encourage us? .Jesus told them, Healthy people don’t need a doctorsick people do. I have come/to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners. Mark 2:17 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Mark 2:17; Acts:9:1-Acts:9:19; 1 Timothy 1:12-1 Timothy 1:17

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