READ: 2 KINGS 6:8-23; PSALM 135:5-6
Wars, earthquakes, crime—all kinds of awful things are going on in the world. Sometimes it seems like there’s only bad news. But when things look bleak in our broken world, we can have hope as we remember that Jesus is coming back one day, and when He does, He’s going to destroy sin and death forever, and the world will no longer be a scary place. Instead, Jesus will make everything new and beautiful. Even now, He is working all things “for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose,” and all along the way, He is transforming us to be more and more like Him (Romans 8:28-29). Yes, the sin and death we see in our world are powerful forces. But they are not nearly as powerful as God.
That’s something Elisha’s servant witnessed firsthand in 2 Kings 6. A strong force of soldiers with horses and chariots were about to attack Elisha, and his servant was terrified—until God opened his eyes so he could see the large number of angels God had sent to guard them.
In a similar way, when we see all the chaos and evil things happening around us, it can seem like the world is beyond repair, like there’s no hope. But the One who is in us is greater than all the powers of evil (1 John 4:4). When things look dark, the Holy Spirit reminds us that Jesus will never abandon us, and He will make everything right one day. Because He is always with us, we don’t need to be afraid. We can trust Him no matter what happens.
While we shouldn’t close our eyes to the problems in the world, we can also open our eyes to the power and promises of Jesus. He won’t ever leave us alone in this dark world. He will comfort us and strengthen us to take part in the good work He is doing, even in the places that seem broken beyond repair. Jesus is working all things for His good purposes, and because He died on the cross and rose from the grave, we can know that His victory is certain. • A. W. Smith
• What things scare you the most about our world? Who are trusted people you could talk to about those things—such as friends, parents, pastors, therapists, teachers, etc.?
• What are some tangible ways you’d like to show the love of Jesus in the midst of the brokenness of our world?
…the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4b (NIV)
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