The Tenth Commandment: Transformed Hearts

February 24, 2021
The Tenth Commandment: Transformed Hearts
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Tenth Commandment: Transformed Hearts

Feb 24 2021 |


Show Notes

Our God is the God of another chance. The Bible includes many examples of God’s people getting another chance after they sinned.

When God called Moses to lead His people out of bondage, Moses tried to tell God he couldn’t, making all kinds of excuses: “I can’t speak well.” “I don’t know how to get these people to follow me.” “Please just pick someone else.” But God insisted He would empower Moses and his brother Aaron to do the job. Moses relented, did what God called Him to do, and got another chance to obey.

David, a great king in Israel, sinned when he took Bathsheba. David then killed her husband to cover up what he did. But the Lord sent the prophet Nathan to convict David of the sins he had committed. David repented, and God gave him another chance. Even though David sinned, God forgave him and allowed him to be an ancestor of Jesus, the true King.

Paul imprisoned, tortured, and killed Christians. But then, when Paul was heading to another city to imprison more of God’s followers, Jesus called his name. After that, Paul became one of God’s greatest missionaries, bringing the good news of Jesus all over the world. God gave him another chance.

God is amazing. Even when we mess up and sin against Him, He will give us another chance if we confess our sin and repent. • Anna Gregory

• When God gives us something we don’t deserve—like a second chance—it’s called grace. Read Romans 6. As Christians, what does God’s grace look like in our lives when we sin?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Exodus 20:17; Psalm 13; Mark 7:20-23

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