Latest Episodes
A Modest Heart
The Bible features stories of imperfect people—just like us—interacting with Jesus. The woman at the well, the man on the cross next to Jesus…these...
Struggling with Shame
“Wish I could join in,” Juan thought bitterly, nursing his sore ankle while his friends played soccer in the park. “Everyone’s changing. Cole has...
The Sketchbook
When people do wrong to us, what is the first thing we want to do to them? Usually, it’s not something good. But as...
Doing Good to Others
I think of Andrew, Peter’s brother, as a seeker. When Jesus told His disciples to give the crowd of over five thousand people something...
The Seeker
If you grew up in church, it can be easy to take God’s Word for granted. And sometimes, the Bible can seem like just...
What makes the Bible so special?
As a child of the eighties and a teen of the nineties, I’ve seen computers come a long way. My Granny was one of...