When people do wrong to us, what is the first thing we want to do to them? Usually, it’s not something good. But as Christians, we know that God loves us with an enormous love, and He also calls us to love others. Even when people do wrong to us, we do not have the right to do wrong to them. Why? Because we did wrong to God. We sinned against Him again and again, and we still do! Because God is the source of all goodness, He requires justice: payment for all the wrong we have done. Yet, because He loves us, God was willing to pay for our wrongs Himself by sending His own Son, Jesus, to die the death we all deserve. Jesus, who never did any wrong, let Himself be killed in our place; then He rose from the dead and defeated sin and death! When Jesus comes again, He will right every wrong, and whoever has put their trust in Jesus will live with Him forever. His forgiveness means that sin no longer separates us from God.
So how do forgiven followers of Jesus live? When someone asked Jesus which of God’s commands is the most important, Jesus said, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’†(Matthew 22:34-40). And when He says “neighbor,†He means everybody—including our enemies (Luke 6:35).
If we say, “I love God†but hate someone who is part of God’s family, we are not being truthful (1 John 4:20). Instead of hating, God calls us to do good to other people, especially those in God’s family (Galatians 6:10). At the very least, this means we don’t harm people. And at the very best, we create ways for everyone to be included as we follow Jesus alongside each other.
Most of us have both positive and negative feelings toward the people we love. While it may not be easy to get along, we should always respect, encourage, and be kind to one another. Jesus said everyone would know that we are His disciples if we love one another (John 13:35). Love is important for everybody and anybody. God loves the whole world (John 3:16), and as Jesus’ forgiven followers, we have His Holy Spirit in us, empowering us to love people like God loves us. When our hearts are full of God’s love, there is no room for hate. • Jendayi Owens
• When is it hard for you to love others? How might remembering God’s love for you, and for the people around you, help in these times?
We love each other because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NLT)
Read Verses:
Matthew 7:1-5; John 15:9-12; Romans 14:9-13; James 4:11-12
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