Have you ever heard such wonderful phrases as these?
“You are precious to me.”
“I love you.”
“I am with you.”
“Do not fear.”
Do you know anyone who would speak so tenderly to you? This is how the God
of heaven speaks over His people. And even more. He says:
“I have created you.”
“I have redeemed you.”
“I have called you by name.”
“You are mine.”
“I will be with you.”
“I am the Lord your God.”
All these affirming, loving statements come from the same passage in the
Bible, Isaiah 43. Can you dare to believe that God cares for you this much?
To let these words sink in, you might try reading these verses again for
yourself. If you’re ready, you can thank God for each phrase. You don’t
have to read everything word-for-word; you can make it personal. If you’d
like a guide, try praying this way:
“Thank you, God, that I am yours. Thank you that I am precious to you.
Thank you for loving me and being with me. You created me, redeemed me, and
called me by name. Thank you for your promise to be with me, calming all my
fears. Thank you, O Lord my God!” • Daniel Dore
• When you feel lonely, abandoned, hurt…how could the words in today’s
reading, spoken by God Himself, give you comfort?
• Do you know anyone who needs to hear such life-giving words? Which one of
the truths from Isaiah 43:1-5 could you share today?
But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who
formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned
you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1 (NIV)
Read Verses:
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A big bowl of stew is a comforting food when you’re hungry on a cold day. It’s a great meal to share…unless you put...