Have you ever gotten to a point where you wondered if you’ll ever have a good friend? Well, that was me in high school. I hardly had any friends, and the ones I had never really paid much attention to me. I was the youngest in my class and I always felt so out of the loop, so lonely. Sometimes I wrote about it in my notebooks, but I didn’t feel better. Then I started getting bullied and things got worse. Nobody stood up for me and I felt so alone.
I’m eighteen years old now, and one thing I wish I’d known about God when I was in high school is that He never leaves me alone. That’s right, God was always with me. Always watching, always guiding, and always cheering me up. I just forgot to look toward Him. Sure, I was a Christian, but I neglected the one friend who never left me alone. Jesus was always there.
Now let’s move forward to my first year at university (I’m in my third year now). It was my first time away from every member of my family. I was three hours away from home, and I felt truly alone. But this time, I remembered my heavenly Father and how He never leaves me, and things got better. I stopped feeling terrible.
Now when I feel lonely, I write to my heavenly Father and tell Him how much I love Him, and I end up feeling so much better. He even reminds me about the people who love me and care so much about me.
If you’ve put your trust in Jesus, you are never alone. • Rereloluwa Bajomo
• Jesus knows what it feels like to have friends who don’t stick by you (Matthew 26:47-56). He sees you when you’re hurting, and He wants to comfort you. Have you ever tried talking to God when you felt lonely? What was it like?
• How might God be giving you opportunities to reach out to people around you who are lonely?
“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.†Joshua 1:9 (CSB)
Read Verses:
READ: PSALM 23; JOHN 10:10-16 Shepherds were not held in high regard in ancient Israel. They spent most of their time outdoors, the sheep...
Have you ever looked at the people around you and wished you had what they have? Maybe you are unhappy with your family. Maybe...
READ: PSALM 13; ISAIAH 41:9-13; 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-11 Stuck in this grief I feel like You can’t see But You lift me up You...