When Jesus Walks By

January 25, 2021
When Jesus Walks By
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
When Jesus Walks By

Jan 25 2021 |


Show Notes

***Today’s devotion tells the story of Acts 3-4 through the eyes of Tobiah, a fictionalized character of the man who was healed.*** Tobiah sat at the temple gate, his legs curled to the side as he begged. He’d prayed for years, yet he still couldn’t walk. Why was God silent? Tobiah ached for an answer. Anything to assure him God cared. Then, he heard about Jesus. They said He could heal those who couldn’t walk. One day, rushing feet and shouting filled the yard. After forty years of praying for a miracle, Jesus was finally coming. Tobiah leaned forward, waiting for a glimpse of the man who could heal. The Son of God. Then, He was there. His dusty feet passed. Tobiah looked up, expectantly. But Jesus walked by. Tobiah was crushed. Days later, word came: Jesus had been crucified. A week later, a rumor circulated that Jesus was alive again. Even so, Jesus did not come back to the temple gate, and Tobiah feared God had forgotten him. But one day, two men approached. Alms for the poor? Tobiah asked. The men stopped. I have no silver or gold, one of them said. Tobiah’s body sagged lower to the ground. They would walk away. But what I have, that I give you, the man continued. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk! Tobiah stared at the man’s outstretched hand for a moment. Was this God’s answer? He took the man’s hand, and a surge of strength flowed through his legs. He could walk. As he ran, walking, leaping, and praising God, people began to talk about what God had done. That day, thousands put their faith in Jesus. Priscilla J. Krahn Are there things you’re praying for that God seems to be waiting to answer? We don’t always know when or how God will answer our prayers, but we know He will answer in His perfect timing with a yes, no, or wait. Here’s some good news we can rest in as Christians. God is good, and He is working all things for good (Psalm 34:8; Romans 8:28). Jesus knows what our suffering is like, so we can come to Him with any hurt or request, even as we wait for His answers (Hebrews 4:14-16; 1 Peter 5:7). Because of Jesus, sin and its effectsillness, brokenness, suffering, and deathwill not have the last word (Revelation 21:1-5). But Peter said, I have no silver or gold, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk! Acts 3:6 (WEB)


Read Verses:

Romans 14; 1 Corinthians 5:9-12

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