Jesus Has Power

November 20, 2022
Jesus Has Power
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Jesus Has Power

Nov 20 2022 |


Show Notes

Jesus had the power to heal sickness. He had the power to forgive sins. He
still does. You can trust Him with everything because He is great and

Jesus has compassion for the hurting, and He cares for you. He loves the
broken. He forgives sinners. Jesus can heal people who are blind, sick,
paralyzed, and hurting—and He can forgive our sins.

Jesus had the power not to die on the cross. He could have gotten away. He
could have refused to do it. He could have left us in our sin. But He
didn’t. Jesus, who is fully God and full of power,
allowed Himself to be hung on the cross because He loves us so much. He was
willing to take our sins on Himself even though He didn’t deserve any of it.

Jesus endured the pain of the cross. He endured the full weight of God’s
just wrath against sin. He was in the grave for three days because of our

But then, He rose again.

Jesus had the power to do anything. He chose to love us.

We can see the power of Jesus when we read about all He has done in the
Bible, and we can also see His power in all He has done for us.

Jesus can heal us, help us, and save us from our sins. If we’ve put our
trust in Jesus, all our sins are forgiven—past, present, and future. As His
people, we can come to Him and receive His help at any time. And we can
know that one day, Jesus will return and heal all our hurts, and we will
live with Him forever. • Bethany Acker

• Read Mark 2:1-12. How did Jesus reveal His power in this passage?

• Is there an area of brokenness you’d like Jesus to heal—either in your
own life or someone else’s? God invites us to pray about all these things.
He might answer our prayers with a miracle, or He might show love to us in
another way. But we can know that when Jesus returns, “‘There will be no
more death’ or mourning or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4).

• Why was Jesus willing to go to the cross? (If you want to dig deeper,
read Matthew 26:36-56; John 18:1-14; 1 Peter 2:24; and Hebrews 4:14-16.)

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still
sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NIV)


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