The Story of Perpetua

July 26, 2021
The Story of Perpetua
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Story of Perpetua

Jul 26 2021 |


Show Notes

Have you ever wondered what David’s older brothers did while he fought Goliath? While the Bible doesn’t tell us, can you imagine a conversation between two of them?

“Guess who volunteered to fight Goliath?†Shammah ran up the hill to his older brother.

“Who would be that crazy? Did you see how big that guy is?”
Eliab scoffed.

“Our little brother David,†Shammah replied.

“What! All he knows how to do is take care of a few sheep. He doesn’t know anything about fighting or being a soldier.â€

“David killed a lion and a bear once when they were attacking Dad’s sheep,†said Shammah.

Eliab turned angry. “That lion and bear didn’t have swords or armor. This is different.â€

“Well,†Shammah said quietly, “David does seem to be close to God…â€

“This is real life!†Eliab glared at his brother. “Goliath is going to kill David, and we and our families are going to be enslaved by the Philistines. We have to talk David out of this.â€

“Too late, look!†Shammah pointed into the valley. “That’s David going out to fight.â€

“Oh no.†Eliab froze.

Shammah watched David closely. “He does look brave, doesn’t he?â€

“Brave men die as quickly as cowards. And look, he only has his staff and his sling.â€

Shammah ignored his older brother. “Look, he’s picking up some stones from the creek.â€

“What are we going to tell Dad?†Eliab moaned.

“Shh…David and Goliath are talking.†Shammah strained to hear.

David’s young voice echoed over the valley. “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty…â€

Shammah exclaimed, “Do you think our God could really be more powerful than all the Philistine gods?†Then Goliath moved forward to attack, but David ran toward the battle line, slipped a stone into his sling, and let it fly…Goliath jerked his head back, then fell to the ground, dead. Shammah jumped up and cheered, but Eliab was speechless. • Doug Velting

• How might God rescuing Israel foreshadow Jesus rescuing His people (John 10:11-18)?

“All those gathered here will know that…the battle is the Lord’s.†1 Samuel 17:47 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Daniel 3; John 14:27; Romans 8:34-39; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

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