My Soul Is Well

September 11, 2022
My Soul Is Well
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
My Soul Is Well

Sep 11 2022 |


Show Notes

Horatio G. Spafford was a lawyer, an investor, and a follower of Christ who
suffered many tragedies in his life. Spafford’s son (also named Horatio)
died of scarlet fever at age four. And in October of 1871, the Great
Chicago Fire destroyed all his investments along Lake Michigan.

Two years later, in 1873, Horatio thought it would be a good idea to travel
with his family to England, where their friend D. L. Moody was holding
rallies. Unfortunately, Horatio had to stay in Chicago to attend to some
business matters, but he sent his wife, Anna, and their four daughters
(Annie, Maggie, Bessie, and Tanetta) on ahead, promising to follow in a few

Horatio’s wife and daughters sailed on the SS Ville du Havre. During the
voyage, on November 21, the SS Ville du Havre was hit by an iron sailing
vessel and sank within twelve minutes, killing 226 people. When the
survivors landed in Europe, Mrs. Spafford sent a telegraph to her husband
that began with the words, ”Saved alone.” After he received the telegraph,
Horatio sailed to meet her in England at once.

Horatio had asked the captain to tell him when they were near the spot
where the SS Ville du Havre sank. When they were over the area where his
daughters drowned, Horatio said these words: “When peace like a river
attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou
hast taught me to say: It is well, it is well with my soul.”

These are the words of his famous hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.” Horatio
wrote the hymn while on board the ship. In the midst of his pain, Horatio
trusted Jesus to hold his four daughters in His loving arms. And Jesus was
holding Horatio too. • Sarah Jordan

• Because sin has entered the world, terrible things like death, suffering,
and brokenness exist everywhere. This is why Jesus came. Through His death
and resurrection, Jesus covered the payment for our sin and defeated Satan,
sin, and death. One day, He will return to get rid of all suffering
forever. In the meantime,
if you have put your trust in Jesus, He lives in you through the Holy
Spirit, weeping with you and comforting you in hard times. How might these
truths affect the way we walk through suffering?

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor
depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from
the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)


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