The Game Maker

May 19, 2020
The Game Maker
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Game Maker

May 19 2020 |


Show Notes

With a pounding heart, Riley leapt off the platform for the umpteenth time. Dodging fireballs, she jumped from foothold to foothold, as heat rose from the lava below. She was almost there! Ahead was that final jump: that final expanse of lava! She could see the cool, grassy paradise at the end of the course. Her sidekick, Julius, watched his companion dart across the expanse, fielding each obstacle with precision. One jump, two hops, a dash and then a final jumpthe most perfect leap Julius had ever seen. “Oh no!” Julius watched as Riley reached out in vain toward the paradise, falling down into the pit of lava. She was still fifty yards short. FLASH. Julius and Riley returned to the start of the level. Riley’s eyes brimmed with tears of frustration and anger. It’s no good, Julius! We can’t do it! We have to! The Game Maker wouldn’t have made it impossible. Julius, you saw it! My last jump was perfect. And it wasn’t even close! With no other route through the fiery abyss, the pair decided to rEsther They lay down, exhausted. As she fell asleep, Riley whispered a desperate prayer: Game Maker, where are you? We can’t do this! When they awoke, a man stood on the platform. I’ve come, he said softly. I’m the Game Maker you called last night. They stared. How ? I wrote myself into the game. He smiled. Come. He started across the course. Uncertain and confused, Riley and Julius followed. He motioned them across the final jump. You’ll make it, he said. Trust in me. They jumped. But once again they fell short, plunging toward the abyss. But there was the man, reaching out! They grasped his hand, and he bore them up to the final paradise. Riley and Julius were in shock. Here you are, friends, the Game Maker said. The land is yours. That’s it? Riley asked. That’s the only way? The Game Maker smiled. Indeed, friend. I am the only way.” Christiana Albrecht Is it true that God helps those who help themselves? Or does He help us because we can’t help ourselves (Romans 5:6)? Is it hard to believe we can be saved without believing we have to work for it (Mark 10:15)? Read Romans 3:23. Why can’t we be saved from sin and death without Jesus? To learn more about what this means, check out our “Know Jesus” page. Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NLT)

Read Verses:

Romans 3:19-28

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