My Centurion Guard

May 20, 2020
My Centurion Guard
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
My Centurion Guard

May 20 2020 |


Show Notes

Have you ever considered who you can count on when times get tough?

For thirty years, I had an undetected brain tumor. While it wasn’t cancerous, it took over every part of my life and affected how I behaved and thought. Many people got scared of me and left me. However, my family and close friends did not since they knew me the best. They knew how I was prior to the tumor.

When the tumor was found, I had a twenty-hour surgery to remove it. My health was restored. After my surgery, I looked back and realized all the support I had received from both earthly family members and my broader Christian family—those who stayed with me, encouraged me, and prayed for me. I now call those people my “Centurion Guard.†That name fits because, like the centurions of ancient Rome, they are strong warriors. My guards are my prayer warriors and provide encouragement.

It has been amazing to see how Jesus has used these people in my life. They helped guide and support me before and after my surgery. And, because of the prayers of my centurion guards, Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, answered those prayers for healing. In fact, my doctor said I had the fastest recovery he had ever seen, especially after a twenty-hour brain surgery. What a gift to see Jesus working in this way through my doctor and through His church!

When times get tough, share your struggles with Christian friends and pray together. Then you can leave your troubles at the foot of the cross, trusting Jesus Christ to work in His way and in His good timing. • Robert Keur

• Who is your Centurion Guard—faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who Jesus has brought into your life? How can you serve and pray for one another?

• Illness and death are terrible results of the Fall (when sin and death entered the world). Therefore, God wants us to pray for the healing of others. And, if our faith is in Christ, we have hope that He will always heal those who belong to Him. Sometimes God heals instantly, and sometimes He waits to heal someone until they see Jesus face-to-face (James 5:13-16; Revelation 21:1-5). No matter how God answers, we can know He hears our prayers and is at work through His people to bring about His kingdom purposes (John 9:1-3; Romans 8:28).

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Galatians 6:1-10

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