The Comparing Game

September 29, 2020
The Comparing Game
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Comparing Game

Sep 29 2020 |


Show Notes

Out of habit, her eyes swept the crowded cafeteria, but not one familiar face registered from the blur of morning classes. Starting over was always this way, especially in a large school. Two girls, hovered in a private conversation, ignored Rox as she approached their table. She dropped her pack and sighed. She hated moving, but that was military life. She nibbled on a granola bar, not to make it last but because there was nothing else to do.

Groups clumped together, and the room buzzed. Rox shuddered—as if a spotlight had singled her out, the only person in the room sitting alone—and swallowed her last bite. She crumpled the wrapper, thankful for something to do, and walked to the trash can.

“Chin up. Change is hard. There’s more ahead. New friends.” Rox blinked back tears. Her positive self-talk couldn’t crack the loneliness. She breathed a prayer—Lord, help me. Rox tossed the wrapper and turned back to the table where now only one girl remained with her head bent, shoulders hunched. The girl looked up, her eyes brimmed with water.

“You okay?†Rox slid next to her.

A tear escaped before the girl’s face hardened. “Yeah. I’m fine.â€

“Sorry. I’m not trying to nose in.†Rox pulled a tissue from her pack. “Your mascara.â€

“Thanks.†The girl dabbed under her eyes. “I haven’t seen you before.â€

“Yeah. It’s my first day. I’m Rox.â€

“And I’m Kate.â€

A buzzer blared, lunch period ended, and the girls stood. “Hope things go better.†Rox picked up her pack. Kate’s eyes filled, and she nodded and left.

As Rox joined the crush of students filing out of the cafeteria, she straightened her shoulders and stepped into the hallway with confidence. She wasn’t alone. The hall was jammed with students, each with a story and struggle. She breathed another prayer: “Jesus, thank You for the opportunity to show Your love to others. Thank You for being with me.” • Gretchen Carlson

• Reread today’s verses. What are you struggling with right now? What doesn’t God know about you or your situation?

• In Christ, we are never alone (Matthew 28:20). If your faith is in Christ, why can you bring any request and hurt to Him (Hebrews 4:14-16)?

Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:10 (NKJV)


Read Verses:

Romans 12:3-8

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