READ: EPHESIANS 4:22–5:2; HEBREWS 12:1-3; 2 PETER 1:3-9
Do you have vivid dreams? I dream vividly almost every night. Once, I had a hilarious dream about a team of ostriches flying, pulling me on a sleigh in the sky. We landed in a parking lot so they could take a break and join an exercise class.
But last night, I dreamed I was crossing an immense desert on rollerblades. Every few feet, there were tarantulas the size of umbrellas coming out of the sand to grab me. I had to be very careful where I stepped (not easy on rollerblades in sand) because, at any moment, the sand would start to move, and another spider would surface from beneath.
This ridiculous dream reminded me of living as a Christian. In life, we encounter many difficulties and fears (giant spiders, anyone?), and some of these surface when and where we least expect. So, we need to rid ourselves of things that hinder us from navigating well.
If I had been wearing different footwear in my dream, I would have been able to avoid the tarantulas more effectively and quickly. Similarly, as we rely on Jesus to help us rid ourselves of things not glorifying to Him, we’ll be able to walk through hard times in a way that honors Him and helps us grow. When we rest in the truth of the gospel and Jesus’s love for us, it gets easier to let go of the sinful patterns that hinder us. In addition, Jesus helps us put on the good things God equips us with, such as self-control, perseverance, and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-8).
In Ephesians 4, Paul reminds followers of Christ that, because Jesus has made us new, we will live differently than we used to. Not only are we to put off our old self, but we are to renew our minds and put on our new self, holy and righteous like God. As Jesus helps us shed the old ways of bitterness and anger, He helps us put on compassion and forgiveness. Then we can walk in His love, just as He loved us. • Savannah Coleman
• How does sin hold us back from responding well to the fears and difficulties we face? Consider asking God to search your heart and reveal what sins you need to put off. Even as children of God, we will struggle with sin, but it no longer has to own us. As we renew our minds in the Word, spend time with the Lord in prayer, and pursue community with other believers, God will illuminate the things that need to change. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die and be resurrected to save us, and His ways are always best. He will walk with us in compassion and mercy, giving us the strength and hope we need to walk in His good ways.
For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14 (NIV)
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