READ: PSALM 95:1-6
The ocean…the powerful water coming up to the beach and splashing against it. The beautiful color. The sparkling. The place for people to gather on the sand and spend hours swimming and just enjoying life. Who owns all of that? Who made it?
I love the ocean and everything to do with it. I love the Great Lakes. I love small lakes, rushing rivers, and trickling creeks. When I hear the “sea” mentioned in the Bible, I pay attention.
Psalm 95 says it is God who has made the water and who is the true Owner of it. It is His because He is the One who has created it. Where would we be without water, without Him sharing it with us? How can we look at the water and not see the power of our God and the greatness of all that He has created and done?
As I think about the ocean and the fact that it was formed by God, that it is His, I can’t help but feel awe. My God is amazing. The things that He has accomplished are amazing. How special it is for us to know this God and be saved by Him—the Creator and Owner of things like the ocean and each river and lake. • Emily Acker
• Which part of nature amazes you the most? Consider taking a moment to think about how God is the Creator, not just of the whole world, but of that one thing in particular, and praise Him for it.
• Have you ever thought of Jesus as the Maker of the sea? Colossians 1:16 says, “everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth.” When Jesus spoke to the wind and waves during a fierce storm, everything became completely calm in an instant, and His disciples said to each other, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!” (Mark 4:41). Have you ever stopped to think about how the God who has created all things is the same God who has such a great love for you that He was willing to humble Himself and die for you (Philippians 2:5-12)? And He is the same God who is there for you each day. You can know the Maker of the sea, personally, intimately. If you want to know more, see our "Know Jesus" page.
Our Lord and God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because you have created all things, and by your will they exist and were created. Revelation 4:11 (CSB)
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