Speaking Up in Love (and Nervousness)

April 26, 2022
Speaking Up in Love (and Nervousness)
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Speaking Up in Love (and Nervousness)

Apr 26 2022 |


Show Notes

A Pharisee (a Jewish religious leader) named Simon invited Jesus to supper. When Jesus arrived, Simon didn’t offer Him water to wash His feet or head. Dirty feet in sandals and itchy heads need water to wash off the dust. It was also customary for the host to offer their guest a kiss on the cheek, but Simon did not greet Jesus this way.

As they sat for supper, a woman slipped into the dinner. Though she wasn’t invited, she searched for Jesus. Finding Him, she knelt down. Taking her beautiful jar of expensive fragrant oil, she poured it over His feet. As she wiped His feet with her hair, she kissed them. Simon was probably wondering who let this sinful woman in. He knew her reputation, and he definitely did not invite her. But Jesus interrupted his thoughts. “Simon, I have something to say to you.â€

Simon answered, “Go ahead, Teacher.â€

Jesus told a story about a creditor who had two debtors. One owed him a lot of money, the other less. The creditor forgave both their debts. Then Jesus asked Simon, “Who do you suppose loved him more after that?â€

Simon answered: probably the one who owed him the most.

“That’s right,†Jesus replied. While Simon didn’t offer Jesus water for His feet or greet Him with a kiss, this woman washed Jesus’s feet with her tears and kissed them. Though Simon did not provide olive oil to anoint Jesus’s head, she anointed His feet with rare perfume. Jesus explained that her many sins were forgiven, so she showed Him much love. • Anna Gregory

• Simon called this woman a sinner, but Jesus called her forgiven. Have you experienced God’s forgiveness? If you have questions about this, check out our “Know Jesus” page.

• Out of her love for Jesus, this woman kissed His feet and dried them with her hair. Have you ever felt compelled to express your love to Jesus? What did you do?

“I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love.†Luke 7:47a (NLT)


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