You Are Not Too Young

February 27, 2022
You Are Not Too Young
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
You Are Not Too Young

Feb 27 2022 |


Show Notes

Oftentimes, we do not think before we speak. We can be quick to speak and slow to hear (James 1:19). We tease, tell jokes, and ramble on about things without thinking. And these things may be totally fine, as long as we are not being mean with our words! But we may not often think about the dangers of speaking thoughtlessly. A harshly spoken word can hurt the person we are speaking to. Thoughtlessly spilling secrets can damage a relationship.

First Peter 1:15 says, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.†And this includes how we use our words. It sounds impossible! All we say is supposed to be holy? What does “holy†speech look like? Holy speech builds people up. It shows others who Jesus is through love, gentleness, and truth. We embody holy speech when we encourage a friend, lifting their spirits and bringing them joy! Holy speech can also look like offering gentle words of sympathy that soothe a hurting heart. But how do we do this all the time?

The truth of the matter is, on our own it is impossible. But we are not on our own! When we believe in the Lord and trust in Jesus to save us from sin and death through His own death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit then comes into us. He lives inside of us! He renews us and forms us more and more into Jesus’s holy likeness, from our thoughts to our speech to our actions. He helps us glorify the King of the Universe through all our words.

Let us press on to the day ahead of us with this knowledge: through Christ living in us, we can say things that build others up. We can think before we speak. We can glorify God through our words, and we can encourage others to do the same. • Marie Mitton

• Can you remember a time when a person’s words had a strong effect on you?

• Words can hurt people, but they can also heal. Have you hurt someone with your words? If so, you can take some time to sit with Jesus and lay your guilt down at His feet in prayer. He loves you deeply, and He always forgives. Then, you can ask Him to bring healing to the person you hurt, and maybe you will get to be part of this healing.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)


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