
December 10, 2022
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens

Dec 10 2022 |


Show Notes

A fragment. A shard. A useless bit of glass.
A piece among many. Split from the mass.
Silenced. Alone. No comfort in sight.
An endless abyss. As dark as the night.

A yearning. A desire. A never-ending prayer.
For comfort. For calm. For someone to care.
A piece among many. Split from the mass.
Silenced. Alone. A useless shard of glass.

An answer to my petition. Peace. Hope.
A light in the tunnel. A way to cope.
Comforted. Forgiven. Enveloped in love.
Joy. New life. On the wings of a dove.

A fragment. A shard. Now pure in His sight.
A piece among many. Refracting the light. • Gracee Terrell

• When do you feel alone?

• What is God’s recurring promise in Genesis 28:15, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew
28:20, and John 14:16-18?

• God has compassion on us, and He doesn’t leave us to suffer alone.
Because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave for us, everyone
who puts their trust in Him is forgiven, brought near to God, and becomes
part of His family, the church. Together, we get to reflect His love to one
another—and to the world! Who are trusted Christians in your life you can
be honest with when you are struggling? How can you show love to each other
in these times?

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near
by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:13 (NIV)


Read Verses:


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