Afraid, but Not Alone

August 13, 2023 00:04:41
Afraid, but Not Alone
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Afraid, but Not Alone

Aug 13 2023 | 00:04:41


Show Notes

READ: PSALM 139:7-12; ISAIAH 41:9-13

When we’re little, all kinds of things scare us. Maybe we’re afraid of the dark and we need the comfort of a nightlight. Maybe we don’t want to get on the rides at the fair without a parent or older sibling beside us. When we’re young and afraid, we gladly accept help to get through the scary times.

But when we get to be a bit older, we start thinking we have to go through things alone. We start believing that if the darkness scares us, we just need to put up with it. But that’s not true.

We always have someone beside us, no matter what age we are. Jesus is Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Because of His life, death, and resurrection, we don’t ever have to be alone. Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that we are in fellowship with God. So whenever we’re afraid, we can turn to God for help, comfort, and courage. Maybe the same things don’t scare us now that did when we were young, but whatever we’re afraid of now, we can ask God to help us with it.

God is always there for us, even when we feel alone. Throughout our lives, we’ll face many scary and uncertain moments, but He will be there through them all. We can trust Him and feel secure with Him by our side, like a child feels when their parent or another loved one sits with them and helps them through life’s scary moments. • Bethany Acker

• What scared you when you were little? Now that you’re older, are you afraid of similar things, different things, or maybe some of both?

• Throughout the book of Psalms, we read poems and songs by David, a shepherd who became the king of Israel and a great warrior. David often felt afraid, and he freely acknowledged this to God and to the people listening to his psalms (Psalm 56:3). Yet, as David turned to God, he was delivered from his fears again and again (Psalm 34:4). David was comforted and strengthened, not by theological knowledge alone, but by God’s presence with him (Psalm 23:4). Consider taking a moment to tell God about your fears and ask Him to help you know His presence with you more and more. He has compassion on you, and He delights in answering these prayers.

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NIV) 

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