Throughout the Bible, God calls His people to tell one another about all He
has done. As we wait for Jesus to return bodily to earth and fully restore
His creation, we go through a lot of hard things. But God is at work
restoring this broken world, and when we experience Him bringing wholeness
and goodness into our lives, we can look at
how this fits into His bigger story. Because of His great love for us, God
came and lived among us, and He took all our sins upon Himself when He went
to the cross. Through Jesus’s death and resurrection, God is drawing people
to Himself and rescuing the world from sin and death. Let’s see what
today’s devotion writer shares about remembering God’s faithfulness:
When we talk to others about the great things God has done for us, both in
the Bible and in our own lives, a number of things happen.
When we share about the good things God has done, we help ease our own
anxiety, and maybe help others feel less anxious too. When we talk about
the ways God has looked out for us in the past, we remember He will look
out for us again in the future.
When we talk about the good things God has done for us, we are acting as
His witnesses (Acts 1:8). When we share about the ways God has worked in
our lives, we help others see God as He truly is: good and kind. Our
stories could inspire them to want to know Him.
When we talk about the things God has done for us, we worship God and show
our gratitude for all He has done. Talking about some of the ways God has
been faithful to us in the past also makes us want to serve Him and please
Him in the future.
What has God done for you? How could you tell others? As you share, take
time to thank God for His kindness to you, and remember His goodness. •
Emily Acker
• Today’s devotion points out three reasons it’s important for us to tell
one another about what God has done for us. Which of these reasons
resonates with you the most? Why? Can you think of any other reasons?
• Can you think of a time God helped you (physically, emotionally,
mentally, spiritually, relationally…)? Consider taking a moment to thank
God for this, and then think about how you might share it with others.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm
126:3 (NIV)
Read Verses:
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