God Values All People the Same

January 16, 2023
God Values All People the Same
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
God Values All People the Same

Jan 16 2023 |


Show Notes

Genesis 1:26-27 says God created humans in His own image, in His likeness.
This tells us God places the same value on all people, because each of us
is created in His image.


Sometimes, we tend to think that we are of less value than others. We might
compare ourselves with those who seem better than us because of their
appearance or beauty, or because they come from rich families who can give
them nice things that we ourselves cannot afford.


When I was still in school, I used to feel inferior in the company of
students who came from rich families as I watched their rich parents drop
them at school in personal vehicles while I had to walk to school. To me,
it looked like God placed more value on those people.


But now, I’ve come to understand that God does not value us because of how
we look or what we have, but because we are created in His own image. He
places the same value on all people, be they poor or rich. And He creates
all people beautiful.


I came to this understanding as I listened to the testimonies of people who
are less valued by society. They told of the things God had done for them,
and I saw that God doesn’t just work on behalf of those who society places
more value on. Through listening to others and reading God’s Word, God has
been teaching me to see myself and others as He sees us.


James 2:1-4 shows us God wants us to place the same value on all people. He
tells us not to show special attention to the rich while ignoring the poor,
and not to treat people with honor or dishonor based on the way they’re
dressed. John 3:16 teaches us God values all people the same—because He
loves us, Jesus died for us on the cross, and He offers eternal life to all
who put their trust in Him. So let us learn to look at ourselves and others
as God sees us: as His valuable creation. • Enid Adah Nyinomujuni


• How have you seen wealth, status, appearance, etc. influencing how people
treat each other in your community?


• When do you find it difficult to see all people (including yourself) as
inherently valuable, no matter what we look like or what we have? God
invites us to talk to Him about this, relying on His love to help us see
people as He sees us, remembering that each person is someone Jesus died


“So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of
sparrows.” Matthew 10:31 (NLT)


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