Rejoicing in His Goodness

April 28, 2024 00:04:36
Rejoicing in His Goodness
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Rejoicing in His Goodness

Apr 28 2024 | 00:04:36


Show Notes

READ: PSALMS 23:5-6; 34:8; HABAKKUK 3:17-19; JAMES 1:17

In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice! He has given Life to me— His sinless sacrifice set me free. In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice! In the grave His body lay— Sin’s ransom fully paid. In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice! On the third day Hell did weep— Death’s final, dark defeat! In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice! May His grace be ever praised, Oh, the glory of His ways! In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice! In the goodness of the Lord I will rejoice!

What comes to mind when you hear the words: “God’s goodness”? If I’m honest, I think of the times that God helps me out when I’m in trouble. Especially if the problem was brought on by...uh, dubious choices of my own! Don’t get me wrong— thanking God for His help in times of trouble is good. But in the Scriptures that inspired this poem, I noticed that God’s Word portrays His goodness as far more than His kindness or help in trouble—though it is that!

God’s goodness is a part of His very nature (Exodus 33:19; Psalm 34:8). It is evidence of His unceasing, divine work on our behalf—recrafting and redeeming all things for our ultimate deliverance from sin and all its effects. His goodness is His presence experienced in the midst of pain—or His restraint when we desire vengeance. It is His relentless, pure, and undying love—which is displayed on the cross: God in flesh, dying to conquer sin and rising again to restore all that was broken, shamed, or lost. God’s goodness is the glory of this redemption. And glimpses of His goodness lie in every beautiful thing we experience—made not only to draw us to Him, but to delight in through all eternity. Therefore, let us say with the psalmist: “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 118:1). • G. Kam Congleton

• As you read today’s Scriptures, what are some ways you notice God’s goodness portrayed? Consider taking a moment to praise God for His goodness to you personally, and ask Him to help you recognize the ways His goodness is made real to you. You could even write a letter, poem, or song to God, thanking Him for some of the ways you see His goodness in your life.

“…may your faithful people rejoice in your goodness.” 2 Chronicles 6:41b (NIV) 

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