I stand in a large room, staring at a table. About twenty cups, ranging from jeweled goblets to simple glasses, are arranged before me. I walk to the table and pick up the biggest, fanciest goblet. The word Money is laid out in beautiful jewels. The drink inside tastes like soda. It satisfies my thirst for a moment, but soon my mouth is dry once again. I take another cup, this one engraved with the word Popularity. It is full of another type of soft drink. It tastes wonderful for a second, but then, once again, I am thirsty. I drink from several more glasses, tasting Power, Lust, and Control. Another, which reads, Good Works, is filled to the brim with water mixed with a drink powder. None of the drinks satisfy me. I am always left dry. But what is this? Hidden behind an ornate goblet is a humble mug with the words Salvation in Jesus painted on it. It’s filled with water? That doesn’t seem as good as soda. But nothing else has worked. I taste the water in the mug. It is good! I take another sip and another. I drink the whole mug. And then, a few minutes later, I am no longer thirsty! The water has quenched my unquenchable thirst! • Natalie Crowe What cups do you drink to try to give you happiness? Have any of them quenched your desire for happiness? What is the only drink that can satisfy your longing for happiness? On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:37-38 (NKJV)
Read Verses:
Johh 4:7-15; 7:37-38
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