Once More

September 10, 2024 00:04:18
Once More
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Once More

Sep 10 2024 | 00:04:18


Show Notes

READ: PSALM 13; ISAIAH 41:9-13; 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-11

Stuck in this grief

I feel like You can’t see

But You lift me up

You comfort me, once more


Eyes fill with tears

Start to think of all my fears

But You stop those thoughts

You give me peace, once more


Feeling all alone

Wondering where to go

But You give direction

You hold my hand, once more


Pain is too great

Feel like I might break

But You keep me together

You show me love, once more • Bethany Acker


• Can you think of a time God helped you when you were hurting? Maybe He provided comfort, peace, direction, strength, or a reminder of His love. Consider taking a moment to remember and thank God for this.

• Whenever we’re hurting, Jesus can truly empathize with us in our pain and turmoil because He experienced it firsthand (Mark 14:33-34). He is not some far-off, distant god; He is God in human flesh. He came and lived among us, ultimately suffering the cross for us because of how greatly He loves us. Then He rose from the dead, so now everyone who puts their trust in Him is brought near to God and has the sure hope of eternal life with Him. One day there will be no more death or grief or crying or pain (Revelation 21:1-5). Until that day, sometimes it can feel like we’re all alone in our pain and uncertainty, but Jesus is right there with us, ready to help us. Consider taking some time to be honest with Jesus about whatever you’re struggling with today.

• One of the primary ways God helps His people, is through His people. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by grief or fear, who is a trusted adult you could talk to? If you need someone to talk to, you can request a free conversation with Focus on the Family’s Counseling Department by calling 1-855-771-HELP (4357) weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). Please be prepared to leave your contact information for a counselor to return a call to you as soon as possible. In Canada, book your appointment by calling 1-800-661-9800 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) and ask to speak with the care associate.

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (CSB) 

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