Nightfall (Part 2)

June 07, 2022
Nightfall (Part 2)
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Nightfall (Part 2)

Jun 07 2022 |


Show Notes

The sun beat down on my back. Was I going the right way? Sweat poured down my face, stinging my eyes. I had known the journey was going to be hard, but I didn’t expect it to be—confusing. As I trudged down the path, I squinted to see what lay ahead. Was that? No. Not again. A moan escaped my throat as my feet came to a crossroads. Another choice. I dropped my pack to the ground. This would take all my energy.

I knelt on the dusty road and prayed, “Lord, you are Sovereign. I want to honor you in all I do. Help me choose.” The sound of water found my ear, and I looked up. There, only a few steps from the path, was a stream. I stumbled over to it and drank. The water was cold and delicious, cooling my travel-weary throat and rinsing the dust from my fingers. I felt my muscles start to relax; the water felt so good.

“No,” I thought. I snapped myself to a standing position. That was enough. I didn’t have time for more than that. I needed to make the decision about the fork in the road. It was my fault I didn’t start my journey earlier in the day. It was my fault I didn’t have time to rest by the stream. I was too tired. If I lingered, it would just get harder to move on.

So I pulled my weary self back up to the road, with one last longing glance at the stream. “Which way?” I asked again, impatient this time. I squeezed my fingers to my temples, squinting down each path. “Which one?” I was exhausted. So exhausted. Couldn’t He see I was exhausted? I needed an answer—now! Maybe He was letting me use my intellect. I searched for clues. The path on the left had berry bushes, but I couldn’t tell if they were good for food or if they’d make me sick. The path on the right had no berry bushes. I chose the right and asked God for strength.

“Wait.†I heard a voice like wind. “Go back to the stream.†I hesitated. Then the voice said, “Come to me. Let me refresh you.†I was confused. “But what about the journey?” I asked. “There’s time,†the voice replied. “Take a rest.†After a moment of deliberation, I walked back over to the stream and drank deeply. • Hannah Howe

• Jesus is the Good Shepherd who guides us, and He gives us living water (John 4:10-14; 7:37-39; 10:10-18). Through the cross, He has made it possible for us to enter His rest. How might Jesus be inviting you to rest in Him today?

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23:2-3a (NIV)


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