There are times when someone in your life seems to need you in some way. Maybe someone new starts at your school and they are struggling in a class that you understand well. Maybe your sibling hurts their leg and struggles to get around with their crutches. Maybe you see a coworker going without anything to eat during their lunch break.
When we see a need in someone else and we have the ability to meet that need, we can show God’s love by offering help. Throughout the Bible, God has compassion on people who are poor and struggling, and He helps them—often through the obedience of His followers. Today, God is still there for those who are going through hard times, and He can work through us to help the people around us.
People go through a number of different struggles. We will all experience hard times until Jesus returns to restore our broken world, but God has not left us alone. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we are part of God’s family, and He calls us to love one another as He has loved us.
The more we are available to help others, the more we can touch this world and make it a better place. And remember, we aren’t supposed to do any of this in our own strength or wisdom. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, who is our Counselor and Helper. The more we follow God’s lead and rely on His strength to do the right thing, the more we will shine His light. When we look out for the needs of those around us, we make a difference. • Emily Acker
• Have you ever felt God’s love because someone helped you?
• Can you think of someone in your life who is hurting? How could you look out for their needs?
Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (CSB)
Read Verses:
When was the last time you were afraid? Maybe you’re afraid of bugs, heights, or needles. Maybe you have emotional fears, such as being...
There is a Land beyond the river. A perfect Land, not flawed like our own. But the journey is so difficult, it requires perfection....
Sacrifices. They appear all throughout the Bible, beginning with the animal killed to clothe the first humans after they fell into sin (Genesis 3:21):...