Loved by the Good Shepherd

January 25, 2023 00:00:05
Loved by the Good Shepherd
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Loved by the Good Shepherd

Jan 25 2023 | 00:00:05


Show Notes

Who helped you understand the love of Jesus? For me, it was a woman I’ll
call “Amelia,” a youth group leader I had at church. She provided
conversation, encouragement, water, food, and sometimes a place to sleep if
someone’s own home wasn’t a safe place. To be

honest, I remember her practical care more clearly than any Bible lesson
she ever taught, and her faithful care and listening ear helped me grow in
my Christian faith. She gave me a tangible picture of Christ’s love for me
and for the church as a whole.


It is interesting that God seems concerned that His people are known for
their practical and even mundane care for each other: providing water,
clothes, and visits in times of suffering. That’s probably why, just a few
chapters before today’s passage, Jesus said that loving God and loving our
neighbor are not only the two most important commandments, but also the
motive behind every part of the Old Testament (Matthew 22:37-40).


And Jesus fulfills the entire Old Testament. He embodies God’s love as the
Good Shepherd who cares for us, who are His sheep (John 10:11). In Psalm
23, we see how the Good Shepherd provides His flock with water, food, and
safe places to rest. As Christians, we are called to follow His example by
caring for one another.


So, even in the busyness of our days, let us remember that the gospel (the
good news of Jesus) is made clear not just by our words but also through
our love for each other. And this love comes from the wellspring of God’s
deep love for us as shown when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the
grave to rescue us from sin and death. It is only when we rest in the love
and work of our Good Shepherd that we may truly love others well. 


• Who is a Christian in your life who has shown Jesus’s love to you?
Consider taking a moment to thank God for what they’ve done, and maybe
thank the person too!


• What are some tangible ways you can show Jesus’s love to your siblings in


• What are some tangible ways you can show Jesus’s love to those who don’t
know Him yet?


“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my
disciples.” John 13:35 (NLT)


Read Verses:


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