Fear on the Lake

July 04, 2024 00:04:51
Fear on the Lake
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Fear on the Lake

Jul 04 2024 | 00:04:51


Show Notes

READ: MATTHEW 1:23; 28:20; MARK 6:45-54; EPHESIANS 4:2

As I stood at the lake’s edge, I was observing a genuine SOS moment. A young family member—I’ll call him Ford—had just received a kayak for his tenth birthday. He loved to be on the water, so a kayak seemed a fitting gift for him. Since our party took place near a small lake, the family gathered to watch Ford test out his new watercraft.

As we admired Ford’s skills, he glided toward the bank, laid his paddle in the kayak, and leaped from the boat to the grass. His forward motion sent the kayak backwards, moving out of reach while he stood watching it drift away.

We ran to Ford to find out what had happened. He’d gotten scared, overwhelmed at being on the water alone, and decided to abandon ship. But Ford had failed to recognize this act would leave his birthday present on the lake with no one controlling it. We watched his bright blue kayak float farther and farther away. Then two fishermen approached offering to help. After a few expert casts, one of them hooked Ford’s kayak and pulled it to shore.

Fear had led Ford to make a drastic decision. And, though we may not all kayak, we have all been struck with fear and made choices we’ve later regretted. That day at the lake, Ford had gazed at the vastness of water all around him and felt overpowered. He believed he faced the challenge of managing the kayak all on his own. Yet, he didn’t paddle alone that day. Ford had trusted in Christ to forgive his sins and bring him into a relationship with God, so Jesus was present with Ford. And when we trust in Jesus—believing that His death and resurrection has provided payment for our sins to make us pure in God’s sight—He is with us too. Whenever we feel like we’re in over our heads, we don’t even need to ask Jesus to climb into the boat with us; He’s already there—every time, on every lake, no matter how far from shore we drift. • Allison Wilson Lee

• Can you think of a time you made a bad decision out of fear? We all have moments when we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, but Jesus doesn’t expect us to handle life alone. How could remembering that Jesus is “in the boat” with us help us when we feel overwhelmed?

• Even when we do make bad decisions, Jesus has so much compassion on us. He is eager to help us, and oftentimes the way God helps His people, is through His people—like those fishermen helped retrieve Ford’s kayak. Has someone ever helped you when you messed up? How?

Immediately he [Jesus] spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Mark 6:50 (NIV) 

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