Living Proof

July 22, 2021
Living Proof
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Living Proof

Jul 22 2021 |


Show Notes

What do you want to be when you grow up? I never liked that question because I never had a good answer. My sister wanted to be a Bible translator, my brother dreamed of becoming a missionary pilot, but me? All I could say was, “A mom.†That was part of what I wanted to be, but I felt there was more. Maybe a teacher? Maybe a police officer? I wasn’t sure, and I prayed that God would give me the answer.

Then, through conversations with a few people, I started to sense that God might be showing me I was going about it the wrong way. As an organized person, I wanted to plan out my entire education and career, but that’s not really what I needed. Instead, as I submitted my plans to God out of love for Him, He helped me rest in knowing He is working in everything. I could trust God to take me one step at a time as I lived His plan for my life, right then.

When I started praying that God would take me one step at a time, I felt like He began to show me my calling. I was fifteen years old, and over the summer, He did some amazing works in my life. I felt a clear calling to youth ministries, and I saw how this career path could be a great fit for my passions, gifts, and desires!

I didn’t learn my lesson that easily though. As I start taking classes through our local community college’s dual enrollment program, I’m trying to plan colleges and degrees for after I graduate. Again, I’ve caught myself getting stressed about the future. Again, I’ve handed it over to God. My hope is in Him, not in my plan. And I can’t wait to see how God will lead me!

As fellow teenagers, you’re probably facing some of the same questions and decisions I am. I challenge you to let go of your fight for answers and instead, let God take you one step at a time. He loves you deeply, He has a plan for you, and you can trust Him to lead you. • Macy Lee

• Have you experienced God’s faithfulness in leading you through decisions in the past? How?

• What decisions are you facing now? What are some of your dreams for the future?

• Have you ever found yourself fighting for answers instead of resting in God? It can be hard to allow God to lead us one step at a time, but when we decide to go His way instead of our own way, He promises to help us through His Holy Spirit. You can ask Him for help anytime.

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Psalm 103:1-14; Matthew 5:13-16; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7; 5:16-21

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