Dancing in the Courtyard

July 23, 2021
Dancing in the Courtyard
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Dancing in the Courtyard

Jul 23 2021 |


Show Notes

False advertising is the worst: a click that leads to a blank page, a product that doesn’t perform as promised, or a heap of hype for something “new†that actually isn’t. But when something is the real thing, it needs no ad campaign. If a product proves itself to be amazing, no one needs to promote it—word spreads
and soon everyone wants one! The same is true about faith in Jesus. If you’ve experienced His love for you, received His saving grace that covers your sin, and are learning to trust and obey Him, you are living proof that He’s the real thing!

Every time I’m made aware of my faults or flaws, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the Father’s compassion toward me. The more compassion I absorb from Him, the more I carry with me to hand out to others when I’m tempted to criticize them.

Every time I feel regret for my sin, the Holy Spirit reminds me that “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west†(Psalm 103:12). Experiencing this grace inspires me to offer it to anyone, even to people I might be tempted to hold a grudge against because of their sins against me.

Every time I look at the chaos of this world and want to cower in fear or lash out in anger, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the words Jesus said: “My Father is always working, and so am I†(John 5:17). My choice of peace over panic speaks volumes about the trustworthiness of the God I say I believe in. This peace doesn’t come from me; it’s God’s gift, and He offers it to anyone who puts their trust in Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t need flashy graphics or clever commercials to make Him look appealing, His salty and shining followers are enough. He really is love, He offers real grace, and He truly can be trusted! • Mandy Desilets

• Have you ever experienced God’s compassion toward you? What was it like?

• Have you experienced God’s grace covering your sin? (If you’re not sure, check out our “Know Jesus” page.)

• Who in your life could you show this same compassion and grace to?

• Have you experienced peace from God? Do you need peace now? (It’s okay to ask Him.) How could you share God’s peace with the people around you?

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.†Matthew 5:16 (NLT)


Read Verses:

Psalm 149:1-4; John 4:1-42

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