Going Low to Be Lifted Up

May 09, 2024 00:04:39
Going Low to Be Lifted Up
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Going Low to Be Lifted Up

May 09 2024 | 00:04:39


Show Notes

READ: ROMANS 12:1-13; JAMES 4:6-10

I genuinely wanted to figure this out on my own. But I couldn’t. It was time to ask for help.

I’d been in Romania just a few weeks. Wanting to acclimate to my new city, I took a tram to shop for groceries one afternoon. I needed to return for a meeting with my ministry team later that night. As I left the store, I walked to the tram stop that looked familiar. Only I boarded the tram going in the wrong direction. When I realized my mistake, I quickly exited. Now I stood waiting in an area that felt completely foreign. I didn’t want to be late to meet my team, but I could think of no solutions. At least, not on my own.

I approached a group of school children and asked if they spoke English. After my request for directions, one boy held up his hand and indicated I should go five stops and then switch trams. I followed those instructions and returned in the nick of time. Even though I—a young woman—wanted to feel independent and capable, I had to humble myself so I could receive the help God wanted to give.

In my pride, I might have chosen to continue sorting out my problem alone— probably growing more lost and desperate. As humans, we all have a sin problem. And the result of sin is death. God’s plan to solve that problem was fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. Out of His great love for us, Jesus humbled Himself by becoming human and submitting to death on a cross. Then, He was lifted up to life on the third day. When we trust in Jesus for forgiveness and new life, we begin a relationship with God by His grace. But we don’t stop needing His grace. As we grow, we learn to acknowledge that we can’t meet all our needs on our own. And as we humble ourselves, we get to experience His grace in our lives. That evening in Romania, God’s grace showed up in a group of generous school kids. • Allison Wilson Lee

• While the desire to be independent can be good and healthy at times, how could this desire get in the way of asking for and receiving help when we need it? (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 21)

• When do you hesitate to ask God for help? And, when do you hesitate to ask other people for help? Why do you think that might be? Consider spending some time in prayer, asking Jesus to help you let go of any pride in your heart and instead rest and rely on Him.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10 (NIV) 

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