Bella reached shakily for another gem glinting beneath the dim lights of the mine. How long had they been down here? Jamar placed his hand on his sister’s shoulder and discreetly passed her a small cup of water. Bella smiled gratefully and quickly swallowed, looking out for the cruel eyes of the Inflictors. The Inflictors pressed them, working the Chosen to the bone. Bella had seen her fellow people persecuted, but they continued to rise.
Later, in the dark of night, Bella sat in a hidden shaft with several of the Chosen. As tired as they all were, faces around her radiated joy as they repeated the anthem that kept them all going: “We have the treasure; we have the light! We are hard-pressed, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We live because the King lives in us!â€
Jamar’s eyes flashed with determination as he addressed the group of the Chosen. “Let’s not give up meeting together. Remember, the King said where two or more are gathered in His name, He is in the midst of us. We may not understand why He has us here, working for the Inflictors, but we have His light in us!â€
“They think the treasure is the gems,†a girl named Ani, her face smudged with dirt, said softly. Bella stroked Ani’s matted hair and replied, “The treasure is in us. The King has given us His power; He has not left us alone. He will come to set us free.â€
“It’s hard,†a boy named Trent spoke gruffly. “It’s difficult to remember the light, when all we get to see is the dark.â€
Several heads nodded in agreement. Bella and Jamar opened their hands to those seated beside them. “This is temporary, even though it doesn’t feel like it. Our King—He is eternal.â€
“I will fix my eyes on the King,†a small voice spilled from the darkness, stirring the souls of the Chosen. “I will not lose heart.†“The King renews me.†The voices swelled in the space, seeming to eradicate the dark. • Savannah Coleman
• Have you ever felt like you were in that mine? When? Jesus promised we as Christians will have trouble (John 16:33), but He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5). One way He’s with us is through His people (Matthew 18:20). How can you encourage fellow Christians in your life?
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Acts 16:16-34; 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10
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