“My best years are behind me.†I know I’ve whispered or shouted that lie to myself in times of transition—a new school, a new job, a new schedule. One of the most stinging times I remember was when I was about to go to
college. I was leaving behind my beloved hometown, church family, and friends. At the time, high school had been my best four years yet. I couldn’t imagine how there could be better days after those times.
But, guess what? If you know Jesus, your best days are never behind you. Because, even though one day you will die, you await resurrection in Him. Jesus is coming back to make all things new—heaven, earth, me, you, and everyone else who is a part of His family through faith. When we come back to life, our sin stays dead. Sin is what causes all that is twisted and broken, so, when it’s gone, there will be no more tears, pain, or death. Instead, through Jesus, we will live as we were made to—in perfect relationship with God and each other.
Serving God then won’t be boring; contrary to popular belief, it won’t even be limited to singing. We will worship God by using all of the amazing talents and gifts He gave us. And while we don’t know all the details of our sinless, resurrected existence, we do know that we’ll have Jesus, our family of former sinners now saved by grace, and the promise of the best years of our lives—forever.
And we don’t have to wait to start participating in this amazing kingdom work. That’s because Jesus started it and called us to continue it by the power of His Holy Spirit. As soon as you know Jesus through faith, you can jump right in. Go serve God in your everyday life through the gifts He has given you, asking Him and looking for opportunities to share the good news: through Jesus, our best days are yet to come.
• What have been the best times of your life so far? What made them great?
• What part are you most looking forward to about the new heavens and new earth? What questions do you have about them?
• What talents and gifts do you have that you can use to share the good news of Jesus?
But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13 (WEB)
Read Verses:
2 Petere 3:2-13; Revelatino 21:1-5
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