The Geese Listen

October 24, 2022
The Geese Listen
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Geese Listen

Oct 24 2022 |


Show Notes

We live by a lake in the northwest. If we awoke from a twenty-year-long
nap, like in the story of Rip Van Winkle, and we didn’t know what month it
was, we could guess by looking at the lake. Different seasons bring us
different wildlife, mostly waterfowl. Canada geese drop in to rest each
spring and fall as they head north or south. They fill the skies, obeying
God’s call to go where He has prepared a place. Later, white-backed
mergansers come in their dozens and stay the winter, chasing fish and
snails that multiplied all summer. Round black coots, painted wood ducks,
and buffleheads all spend the late winter finding different food in and
around the lake. In summer, they’re replaced by gangly cormorants and
green-headed mallards with fluffy ducklings. Hummingbirds, swallows, and
woodpeckers return too. Each is called here in their season to receive the
bounty God provides. They hear, trust, and come. “Listen” is one of the
most frequent commands in the Bible. In the NIV, the word “listen” appears
more often than “trust,” “praise,” “obey,” and even “worship.” However, the
word “love” exceeds them all. As you listen for God’s call, listen
especially for love. God invites us to trust His love for each of us, which
He perfectly expressed in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God the Father
tells us to listen to Jesus, who is God the Son (Mark 9:7). And as we
follow Jesus, our loving God helps us to love one another. As you spend
time in God’s Word and listen to the “gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19:12) that
He speaks just to you, remember that the lake God has for you may be
different from the one He has for your friends. Every year, I watch
different geese fly past us for weeks. They don’t all stop by our lake
because they each get a unique call. Similarly, all Christians are called
by the same God, but our lives will not look the same. God has given us
each unique paths. And, as we listen to Him, we can trust that the God who
cares for the birds will also care for us. • Rick Taylor • How do we learn
to listen to God? If we know Jesus, the Holy Spirit is in us, reminding us
of everything Jesus has said and helping us discern God’s voice (John
14:26). We also need to talk to trusted Christians and help each other
answer questions like: “Does this agree with the Bible?” “Does this glorify
God the Father and God the Son(John 16:12-15)?” “Does this bring the fruit
of the Spirit and hope (Galatians 5:22-23; John 10:10) or condemnation and
fear (John 3:17; Romans 8:1)?” “Who are trusted Christian mentors or peers
you could talk to about this?” All creatures look to you to give them their
food at the proper time. Psalm 104:27 (NIV)


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