Caring for Others

November 26, 2021
Caring for Others
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Caring for Others

Nov 26 2021 |


Show Notes

It was the end of my freshman year in college when I got a glimpse of what it looks like to give thanks to God in all circumstances and to be content with His gifts. I’d been feeling sorry for myself because all my friends were off on spring break. Even my family was on vacation in Florida, but I had final exams coming up and had to stay in town to study. I decided to study on the patio in the sunshine. At some point, I noticed an elderly neighbor struggling to rehang a bird feeder, so I went over to help. She said, “Thank you. God sent you over.â€

I laughed, but she said, “No, really. God is good. I woke with a pain in my back, but I thanked God anyway.â€

Thinking this was odd, I asked, “Why?â€

She responded, “Because God is good to me in all things. I have a pain when I wake, well, at least I’m still alive. And later, as I move, the pain goes away. So, I thank Him for that too. And now, you came to help me…â€

“So you thank God for that too,†I said. She nodded and, to be silly, I added, “Well, I thank Him for your bird feeders because I love watching the birds they attract.†Soon we were thanking God for everything in her yard, then for the people we loved and for all the tiny things in our everyday lives. It felt silly, but it also felt good.

Something clicked in my heart that day. I went back to my textbooks and no longer felt jealous of my friends and family on a beach somewhere. Jesus taught us to pray by first giving thanks. The more I gave thanks, the more I saw God at work in my life in minute ways. And I discovered that gratitude also primes our hearts for deeper prayer and connection with our Heavenly Father. • Lisa A. Wroble

• How has God provided for you in small ways? If you’d like, you can take a moment to express your gratitude to Him for these things.

• How could thanking God help us connect with Him in deeper ways?

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)


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