Never Too Far

October 06, 2021
Never Too Far
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Never Too Far

Oct 06 2021 |


Show Notes

The comm link buzzed. “Osaka Karaoke?†Command Center’s usual check-in code. Sara gave the expected response in a choked whisper, “Apple Osaka Karaoke†(A-OK). What else could she say? They only checked to make sure she was alive and in her right mind. And if she wasn’t—well, there wasn’t much they could do. The buzz sounded again. “Grey Falcon, repeat.â€

She cleared her throat and said it louder this time. “Apple Osaka Karaoke.†She pressed her index finger against her thumb, ending the communication the chip in her hand allowed. She couldn’t take this anymore. Even the name of the space station—Lighthouse—showed how lonely it was. So did her code name—Grey Falcon. No one ever saw those birds. She felt like a bird alone in a titanium cage orbiting above Saturn.

“Space station duty,†she’d been told. They were short on astronauts, she knew that. But still, it seemed cruel to send her there without a crewmate. How could anyone stand a whole rotation cycle—three months—out here alone? She’d heard rumors about space madness. It had only been two weeks, but that was enough for her. She couldn’t take it anymore. It was so quiet. The days were endless, meaningless—hours upon hours, mostly spent staring at the ice and rock debris of Saturn’s rings. Watching for…something, anything. They told her watching was important, but they hadn’t told her why. That was classified. She lifted her gaze from the layers of orange and white storm clouds below, to the endless expanse of darkness beyond.

“Hello?†she called, then laughed. What was she expecting? Someone to say hello back? There was no one there!

“Call to me and I will answer you.” The words slipped into her mind. Sara paused, heart pounding. She knew who it was. The God she’d forgotten about. On purpose. She snapped off the monitor glasses she usually wore while observing. The rings of Saturn in all their diaphanous splendor slipped into view. A reminder that He had created this. A reminder that she wasn’t really alone. That she’d had someone to talk to all along. And still could. A warmth began to spread through her. Maybe it was time they talked again. • Linda Washington

• Can you think of a time when you felt alone? Through Jesus, God has provided a way for us to be in relationship with Him, and there’s nowhere we can go where His love can’t reach us.

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)


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