Basically Good or Basically Bad?

September 05, 2020
Basically Good or Basically Bad?
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Basically Good or Basically Bad?

Sep 05 2020 |


Show Notes

Are people basically good or basically bad? Some would point out all the great acts of kindness humanity has shown over the ages to argue that people are basically good. Others would point out the many atrocities humans have committed to argue that people are basically bad. So, which is it? And why does it matter? The Bible makes it clear that all people are basically bad. Romans 3:9-18 contains a description of human nature. We could summarize this human nature with what Paul later writes in Romans 3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. To sin means to do, say, or even think something that is contrary to God's perfect nature. What this means is that every person on earth has fallen short of God's perfect standard; every person on earth is basically bad. So why does this matter? You may have heard someone say that they believe they are a good person. They may do something wrong now and then, but it's not like they're Hitler or anything! It's this kind of thinking that leads people to believe that they don't need Godand that they certainly don't need a Savior. After all, if I'm basically good, why would I need anyone to save me from my sins? The truth is, the Bible paints a very different picture. The Bible teaches that, before God, we are basically and completely bad and that we are helpless to save ourselves from the punishment for our sin. In order to receive forgiveness for our sins, we must first acknowledge that we do not meet the perfect standard of God's character and that we need someone else to pay the penalty for our sins in order to be forgiven. Thankfully, Jesus did just that when He died on the cross. By trusting in Him, you can receive God's forgiveness. Jonathon Fuller How does recognizing that all people are basically bad affect how you view others? In other words, should you be surprised when someone acts wickedly? How does recognizing that all people are basically bad affect how you view yourself? Should we elevate ourselves in comparison to others? To learn more about what it means to put your trust in Jesus, check out our "Know Jesus" page. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24 (CSB)   Read Verses: Romans 3:9-18, 23; 6:23; Ephesians 2:1-3

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