You're Invited: All Are Welcome

September 14, 2024 00:05:33
You're Invited: All Are Welcome
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
You're Invited: All Are Welcome

Sep 14 2024 | 00:05:33


Show Notes

READ: MATTHEW 9:9-12; LUKE 5:27-32

Have you ever wished you were invited to an exclusive event? A movie premier, a party, or a concert with front row VIP seats? Years ago, I watched interviews with celebrities who talked about the exciting invitations they’d been offered. If only I could be like them, I thought. And I wasted time being jealous and despondent, thinking about how fortunate those stars were.

Maybe you’ve experienced this too. Or, on a smaller scale, maybe you’ve wondered if something is wrong with you if you haven’t been included in a certain friend group or invited to a particular social event. Missing out on invitations can be disappointing and even painful. But if we dwell on these things too much, we can easily sink into jealousy and low self-esteem.

The good news is that Jesus didn’t exclude anyone. He invited Matthew (also called Levi) to follow Him—even though Matthew was a tax collector. His own people probably avoided Matthew and viewed him as a traitor, someone who got wealthy by helping the Roman Empire oppress the Israelites. But Jesus saw Matthew and said, “Follow me” (Matthew 9:9). Then Matthew left everything and followed Him. Jesus didn’t have an exclusive ticket for just one person or a few celebrities, but for all those who would put their trust in Him.

Sometimes it’s easy to be so consumed with a longing to be included or invited to social events that we forget the greatest invitation in the world. Like Matthew, we are invited to the most wonderful moment in our lives, to believe in Jesus, follow Him, and belong to Him. Take heart, there is no exclusion of race, gender, class, or intellect. All are invited. Because of His great love for us, Jesus died and rose again to make the way for our broken relationship with God to be restored. He offers forgiveness for our failings and acceptance into His family.

You’re invited—to share in the kingdom of God, to be adopted by our Father, to be more than you ever thought possible. It’s a free gift. It just has to be received. All are welcome. • Cindy Lee

• Can you think of a time you were overlooked for an event or excluded from a group? This can be a painful experience, but Jesus invites us to share our frustrations and sorrows with Him—He knows what it’s like to be overlooked and rejected, and He wants to help and comfort us (Isaiah 53).

• Have you accepted the greatest invitation in the world? No one can make that choice for you, but you. Find out more on our "Know Jesus" page.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 (WEB) 

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