Your love is so great I can’t stop talking about it
I want to sing it loud
I want to share the news
I want others to see what You have done
Your love has touched the world
I want those living everywhere to hear about it
I want everyone to know they can receive it
I want to share it with all
You made the heavens and Your love goes higher than them
It is bigger than the world
It is greater than the sea
It is more amazing than anything You made
You sit over all
May you be praised
May you be lifted high
May we see Your love and worship You • Emily Acker
• God revealed His enormous love for us when He came to live among us. Jesus is fully God and fully human, and He gave His life for ours, dying on the cross. Then He rose from the dead so we could be saved from sin and death. God loves us so much that He made the way for us to live with Him forever. And He loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:6-10). When we think about the gospel—the good news of Jesus—why is God’s love central to this good news? If you want to know more about the gospel and how you can know God, check out our "Know Jesus" page.
• When we experience God’s love for ourselves, we naturally want to share it (1 John 4:19). Can you remember a time you felt loved by God? If not, you can ask God to reveal His love to you anytime. He delights in answering these prayers.
For your loving kindness is great above the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 108:4 (WEB)
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