When He came the first time
The world was in dire need
Arriving as a newborn baby
Not atop a gallant steed
This might come to some’s surprise
The way He came to us
But, Jesus comes with power and love
Not with pompous fuss
When He came the first time
He changed the world forever
Now those who trust in Him are His
And His love for us He will not sever
But, do you know something?
He’s coming back again!
Just imagine how the world will change
Then • Molly McTernan
• The word advent means “important arrival.” In the weeks leading up to Christmas, many Christians observe the season of Advent as a time to remember how Jesus came to earth the first time as a baby, and how He will come a second time to make all things new and dwell with His people forever. Even if the Christmas story is familiar to you, consider taking some time to think about how Jesus came the first time(Matthew 1:18–2:15; Luke 2:1-7). In what ways was His arrival surprising? Why do you think God the Father decided to send God the Son in such a humble way?
• What changed after Jesus came and lived among us, ultimately dying on the cross for us and rising from the grave? And how will the world change even more when Jesus returns? (Find out more on our "Know Jesus" page.)
For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (CSB)
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