What Is to Come

December 31, 2021
What Is to Come
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
What Is to Come

Dec 31 2021 |


Show Notes

Your mission will be riddled with perils. Make no mistake, this exoplanet is uncharted territory—there are no illusions about our exploration team making it back to our home planet safely.†Commander Sholer crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze penetrating the souls of the group gathered around him. “Anything to add before we embark?â€

Tylana adjusted her Rememlet tighter against her lavender skin. Her gold eyes blazed bright as she pressed the top button on the Rememlet. A soft chiming sound began emanating from the device. She spoke aloud, “Commander, I have something.†When all eyes turned toward her, Tylana swallowed her nerves down, standing straighter. “I was reading the Sacred Manual, and I believe Metsuda brought something to my heart that has helped me become closer to Him. Implementing this into my life has helped me feel more prepared for this perilous mission; through it, Metsuda has given me great clarity…and even bravery.â€

“Tylana, please, share this with us!†Chandi, one of her closest friends, curled her silver hair around her finger in anticipation. Tylana smiled, encouraged. “You all know how important it is that we read the Sacred Manual and spend time in the presence of Metsuda? Well, I know this too. Only, with all our recent discoveries and missions across the galaxy, I found myself getting away from the good message, even at times forgetting the great love of Metsuda, the very love that compelled Him to give up His life for us.†Several heads nodded in agreement.

“But Metsuda, who lives forever, is so kind to me, and He wants to help me be in connection with Him. He knows that I like systems, and I believe He helped me develop this new system that I call ‘Challenge 15.’ I programmed my Rememlet to go off at a certain time every day. When it chimes, it reminds me to take 15 minutes to complete 5-5-5: five minutes of reading the Sacred Manual, five of praying to Metsuda, and five of praising Him. As I draw close to Metsuda, He is transforming my heart and equipping me for what He asks me to do.â€

Commander Sholer smiled—a rare occurrence indeed! • Savannah Coleman

• Do you have any systems for spending time with God? Have these been helpful to you?

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21 (NIV)


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