What Is Communion?

July 19, 2020
What Is Communion?
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
What Is Communion?

Jul 19 2020 |


Show Notes

“You don’t matter.â€

“You’re ugly.â€

“You don’t belong.â€

Have you heard these lies before? Have you ever started to believe them? Or did you cling to God’s truth about you?

The world is full of lies, but God’s Word, the Bible, is the ultimate source of truth because it is all about Jesus, who is fully human and fully God. Therefore, He is the only One who can bring us into right relationship with God and others.

What are some of the truths God says about you, you might ask? Here are some examples:

• Even though you’re a sinner, if you confess your sins to God and put your faith in Christ, you’re free from the power of sin and death (Romans 8).

• In Christ, all your sins are forgiven (Ephesians 1:7).

• In Christ, you are a daughter or son of the Most High (Romans 8:14; 2 Corinthians 6:18; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:2).

• You are God’s beloved child (John 1:12; 1 John 3:1).

• Jesus’ love for you is so great that He died for you (John 3:16; Romans 5:8).

Remember, Jesus, the Creator and Savior, knows us better than the world. Turn to Christ for promises you can stand on no matter what people might say about you. • Alexis Wohler

• What promises in Christ do you find yourself clinging to?

• When has it been hard for you to cling to God’s truth? When has it been easy for you to remember?

• To learn more about some of the truths shared in today’s devotion, check out our “Know Jesus” page.

Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.†John 8:31-32 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Exodus 12:17; 1 Corithinas 11:23-26; Revelation 19:6-9

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